Monday, May 02, 2005

Thank-You to Yourself

Every area of trouble gives out a ray of hope; and the one unchangeable certainty is that nothing is certain or unchangeable.
-John Fitzgerald Kennedy

It is man's foremost duty to awaken the understanding of the Inner Self and to know his own real inner greatness. Once he knows his true worth, he can know the worth of others.
- Swami Muktananda

You are amazing, original, the one and only you. You think unique thoughts, express yourself in particular ways, and offer yourself to family an friends in ways that only you can. But I bet you aren't even aware of your beauty, your sensitivity, your quirky outlook on the world. In some ways, it's not possible not to take ourselves for granted - the way we are is just natural to us, and therefore it's hard for us to see just how marvelously wonderful we are.

That's what's so wonderful about friends; they notice what's wonderful and point it out, and suddenly it becomes visible to us too. I'm not even aware that I have such a sense of humor, until my friend Beverly laughs at something I've said and proclaims, "You could do Stand-Up." Other people may take their kind attentivenes to others for granted, or their creativity, or their precision. Whatever is our own gift, chances are we haven't noticed it.

To give thanks for all of our wonderful qualities is one of the ways we learn truly to love ourselves. From that self-love, we can then feel worthy of love from others and have strong, healthy relationships. Think of as many thngs you are grateful for as possible...doesn't it bring a warm smile to your face to think of how marvelous you are?

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