Thursday, May 05, 2005


Don't work for my happiness,
show me yours...
show me that it is possible...
show me your achievement
and the knowledge will give me courage for mine.
--Ayn Rand

If endurance is the engine of life, humility is its fuel. Humility is the silent partner of endurance. Its strength is in its silence. Its splendor is in its repose.

Humility and the resulting yielding should not be confused with weakness and lack of self-esteem. Humility is modesty. It is the acknowledgement and clear recognition that your qualities and strengths were given to you for a higher purpose than just satisfying your own needs. It is recognizing how small you are which allows you to realize how large you can become.

Endurance draws its energy from the acknowledgement of humility. Human endurance goes only as far as your tolerance level. Acknowledging that your strengths come from a higher place gives you the power to endure far beyond your own perceived capacity.

A full cup cannot be filled. When you're filled with yourself and your needs, there is no room for more. When you empty yourself before something greater than yourself, your capacity to receive increases beyond your previously perceived limits. Only true humility gives you the power of total objectivity,the power to reach beyond yourself.

Humility is sensitivity. It is healthy shame that comes from recognizing that you can be better than you are and that you can expect more of yourself.

Although humility is silent, it is not a void. It is a dynamic expression of life, not a state of being but an interaction even in its calm and inaction.

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