Friday, February 25, 2005

A Grateful Heart

Everyday, see how many things you can be thankful for. Say them over to yourself. Face the difficulties. They have to be dealt with. But, a positive, thankful psychology has written in it the power to make things good, better, best.
– Norman Vincent Peale

Some times things go wrong all day – your computer freezes up during an important project, you get a flat tire when you’re running late, the washing machine snaps a belt when it’s full of soggy towels. It is easy to lose perspective at times like these. It is easy to see more rain than rainbow.

But take a moment to think of something you can give thanks for. Maybe it’s a dear friend who sent you a card. Perhaps it’s a helpful stranger who picked up the money you unknowingly dropped in the grocery line. Maybe it’s the coupon you clipped out of the paper for a discount on an oil change.

Count everything you can be thankful for today. Remind yourself you have been given an abundance of blessings that enrich, brighten, and sweeten your life. All around you are little blessings. Point them out to yourself and watch them multiply. The more you give thanks, the more reasons you’ll find to be thankful.

Then tell others how thankful you are. Try thanking the store clerk for her efficiency, the bus driver for getting you there safely, the gardener for making your neighbor’s lawn look so nice. See how many hearts you can life and smiles you can elicit.

When you guide your thoughts towards thankfulness, disappointments quietly fade away. As you give thanks for the little things in life, you will sense a feeling of well-being in your soul. As you allow yourself to dwell on the things for which you are grateful, you will sense a lightening of your daily burdens.

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