Just a reminder. The next hiking is scheduled on 10/31/04, weather permitting. Please use your own judgment (i.e., cancellation, plan, etc.) for this trip.
Several instructions/suggestions to 10/31's Patuxent Research Refuge hiking:
1. The trails, parking, gift shop, and wildlife observation museum are free to the public. A plenty of parking spaces in front of the Visitor Center are available.
2. Everyone is welcome (no ages limitation) to this relaxing outdoor activity. No obligation to complete the whole schedule.
3. Please bring your own lunch and water. Extra for share is also welcome.
4. Please always stay in a group.
5. Please wear light long sleeve, pant and hat for hiking. Bring "OFF", if you are sensitive to insects.
6. Car pool is a good idea. Please check with your folks for the ride.
The following are the tentative schedule and direction to the park:
9:30 a.m. - 10 a.m. - Meet at the Visitor Center (there is a wildlife observation museum in the Visitor Center, gift shop, free trails map, workshop schedules, etc.)
10 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. - Museum visit at your own pace
10:30 a.m. - Noon - Hiking around Cash Lake
Noon - 1:00 p.m. - Lunch and back to the Visitor Center
1:00p.m. - 4 p.m. - "Creep Critters" Halloween Event at the Visitor Center
Come learn about "creep" wildlife (snakes, spiders, bats and more). This Halloween with live animals, exhibits, crafts and fun activities is for all ages. Discover for yourself if wildlife is as scary as you think.
More details on the Patuxent Research Refuge hiking on 10/31:
In the heart of the Baltimore-Washington Corridor, the National Wildlife Visitor Center is located off of Power Mill Road, 2 miles east of the Baltimore-Washington Parkway, Just south of Laurel, Maryland.
Hours: 10:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. everyday
Admission Cost: All exhibits are free to the general public.
Fore more information:
National Wildlife Visitor Center mailing address:
Patuext Research Refuge
10901 Scarlet Tanager Loop
Laurel, MD 20708-4207
Phone (301)497-5760
The largest science and environmental education center in the Department of the Interior. The unique U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service facility is located on the 12,750 acre Patuxent Research Refuge. The Visitor Center is designed to provide visitors with knowledge and appreciation of the role of wildlife research in preserving the earth's vital resources. Interactive exhibits focus on global environmental issues, migratory birds routes, wildlife habitats, and endangered species recovery efforts. Surrounding forests, lakes and trails provide opportunities for wildlife-oriented recreation, educational programs and group tours.
Direction: (from Rockville, Virginia, Washington DC):
Baltimore-Washington Parkway (I-295N) to the Powder Mill Road Exit
East on Powder Mill Road for approximately 1.9 miles
Turn right into the Visitor Center entrance
Approximately 1.3 miles to the Visitor Center parking lot
We will meet at the Visitor Center, between 9:30 A.M. and 10 A.M. and spend a half hour in the museum, then choose a trail for hiking.
Shall you have any questions regards to this hiking, please call me.
See you on 10/31!

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