Friday, January 13, 2006

Overlooked Blessings

The moment the veil is lifted from both of your eyes and you know that you know.

Hearing a piece of music that instantly touches your soul.

Being able to add that music to your collection immediately.

Reading a passage in a book or a poem that expresses exactly how you feel.

Memorizing a beautiful piece of poetry and sharing it with another in conversation.

Holding hands.

Having a congenial conversation with a stranger on a bus, train, or a plane.

Successfully hailing a cab in rush hour.

A nap.

Realizing that there are no coincidences.

Nailing the punch line in a favorite joke. Hearing their laughter.

Relishing a wonderful movie. Liking it so much you want to see it again as the credits roll. Seeing it again.

Laughing so hard, you can't catch your breath and your sides ache.

The sacred release of a good cry.

Bringing joy, happiness, and comfort to another person or creature.

The loyal, loving companionship of pets.

Feeling you're part of a loving and supportive community or church.

Finding a parking space exactly where you need one.

Summoning up the courage to surmount a challenge.

Taking tiny and big risks and having them pay off.

Investing time, creative energy, and emotion in yourself, then reaping the rich harvest of authentic success sown by Love.

Coming in after being caught in a soaking thunderstorm, getting out of wet clothes and becoming warm and dry.

Meeting a deadline.

Making it to a game just in time to see him hit his first home run.

Friendship that endures and thrives despite the obstacles of time and distance.

Being able to trust another human being.

The experience of a pleasant deja vu. The moment you realize it doesn't have to be deja vu all over again if you don't want it to.

Wisdom gleaned through life experiences (both yours and others). Knowing how to use it.

Speaking another language.

Reading a book that changes your life.

Receiving flowers.

Moving on.

Letting go gracefully without regrets.

The first morsel of your favorite comfort food.

Savoring the scents of life (flowers, food, the earth, your child's hair)

Being able to travel; the adventure of new places.

Room Service.

The support and loving presence of sisters and/or brothers.

Achieving a long sought after goal. The moment when your accomplishment emotionally registers.

Feeling a sense of pride in yourself.

(To be continued...........)

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