Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Honor Your Feelings

Acknowledge and Honor Your Feelings

It is standard operating procedure among human beings to act as if everything is all right, all of the time. No matter how sick, sad, frightened, or confused we may be, if someone asks, "How are you?" then a standard response is "Fine!" Nothing destroys self-worth, self-acceptance and self-love faster than denying what you feel. We humans need to realize whatever we feel is just fine and that we are just fine, no matter what we feel.

Without feelings, you would not know where you are in your life. Nor would you know what areas you need to work on. When something doesn't feel right, you are motivated to change.

Feelings keep you alive. They invigorate and educate. Feelings are like hound dogs. They sniff out what you are hunting down. This means that your feelings are inspirational and motivational. When you deny what you feel, you are not grounded. You let your guard down sometimes to your own detriment.

It is true that your feelings can deceive you. You can feel good in a bad situation. You can feel bad in a good situation. This is what happens when you stifle your feelings. You cannot tell one from the other. Feelings are sensors. When you learn to keep the channels clear with the full expression of your feelings, your emotional essence develops and matures.

It is also true that you do not want to be a slave to your feelings. Feelings that go up and down like a rollercoaster are often the result of a physical or chemical imbalance in the body. The key to the development of a healthy emotional essence is to acknowledge what you feel.

Until now, you may not have been honoring your feelings. You may have been afraid, unclear or unsure as to what you feel. Be devoted to honoring your feelings. Allow yourself to feel them.

Admit to yourself what you feel. If you really want to give yourself an opportunity to grow and heal, admit exactly what you are feeling to one other living person.

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