Monday, November 21, 2005

Emulating Butterflies

"A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age."
-Robert Frost

Because butterflies are deeply symbolic of our own struggle to grow into our unique beauty and wisdom, they bring a smile to our faces. As with the swan, which also grows into its beauty and grace, the butterfly in its immature larva stage is not at all appealing. But, following a deep inner knowing, it goes into seclusion to allow its destiny to unfold. Protecting itself from outside distractions, it retreats to the darkness and isolation of its cocoon. In due time, as promised by its inner wisdom, it emerges as a winged creature and spends the rest of its life spreading beauty and joy as it gently flies from one flower to another, a symbol of hope and transformation.

As we move through the chaos, confusion, and challenges of everyday life, we should remember we have a winged and wonderful self within us, waiting to emerge from the darkness. Like the butterfly, we need only go into the stillness and solitude - to look within - to find our wise inner-self waiting to transform us through its knowing embrace.

Being gentle and patient with ourselves as we go within is essential. Transformation takes time, commitment, and discipline. Each day we need to give ourselves the blessing of a few quiet minutes of cocooning. We can have the courage to trust the cocooning process and not expect spectacular fireworks or even insights at first.

It takes a while for our minds to become quiet enough for us to hear the fluttering of our inner wings.

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