Sunday, December 05, 2004

Charity is not only“Giving”

With holiday shopping in full swing and only a few weeks left until Christmas (even less until Chanukah) I would like to focus on the true meaning of “giving".

We all know that giving charity is considered a virtue. It has become part of the fabric of our lives, of our entire society.

Charity is a sign of a healthy and human society, but without an understanding of why we give charity…why we feel a need to share with others…we are left with a paradox that ultimately limits our generosity. Doesn't giving away what is rightfully ours go against the grain of human nature? Is generosity as much a part of human nature as selfishness?

Simply put, it is healthier to give charity without analyzing why, as many people do. The better you understand the true dynamic of “giving”, the more you can cultivate it within yourself, your family, and your friends. As is written in Proverbs, “One that pursues charity and generosity finds life, righteousness, and honor.”

The key to charity lies in understanding that it is not only a gift to the receiver, but to the giver as well. Just as we need food and protection and love, we need to share what has been given to us.

Charity is one of the simplest yet most profound ways to help refine the material world and unite with your fellow man to fulfill our cosmic mission.

After all, the universe was created as an intricate system of give and take, and our entire existence depends on this relationship. As the sages say, “More than the rich man does for the pauper, the pauper does for the rich man.”

Have an abundant day!

It is not our money anyways…it is given to us to use for good things and to allow each of us the gift of “giving”.

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