古聖先賢孝為宗 萬善之門孝為基
In old times there were wise people, they believed in filial piety; good deeds are based on filial piety
禮敬尊親如活佛 成就生命大意義
in daily life respect and be polite to your parents as you would the Buddha;
this gives life great meaning
父母恩德重如山 知恩報恩不忘本
a parent’s love for us is as great as a mountain
understand this love, return it and don’t forget where you come from
做人飲水要思源 才不愧對父母恩 (註)
one should know where we come from; then we will do right by our parents – then we will not wrong our parents
小羊跪哺 閉目吮母液
lambs are kneeling; closing eyes as they suckle on their mother’s breast
感念母恩 受乳恭身體
grateful for their mothers love; accepting mothers milk to nurture our bodies
膝落地 姿態如敬禮
knee touching floor; this pose is very respectful
小羊兒 天性有道理
little lamb – they have a natural order to them
little lamb – they naturally understand (gut instinct)
人間孝道 及時莫遲疑
The philosophy of filial piety, follow it quickly; don’t delay understanding this
一朝羽豐 反哺莫遺棄
when one day a bird’s feathers grow in; they must turn around and to take care of their parents; don’t forget them
父身病 是為子勞成疾
when your father is sick; its because he is busy for their sons
母心憂 是憂兒未成器
when a mother worries; it is over her son’s successes
多少浮雲遊子夢 奔波前程遠鄉里
there are a lot of sons and daughters who have moved away like the sky’s cloud for their own future
many sons and daughters seek their own futures and move away
父母倚窗扉 苦盼子女的消息
parents stand by the window, waiting for news from their sons and daughters
多少風霜的堆積 雙親容顏已漸老
it doesn’t matter how much frost accumulates, both parents become older
no matter how much frost accumulates year by year; both parents become older
莫到懺悔時 未能報答父母恩
don’t wait until you regret it (until your parents die); express your appreciation for them
為人子女 飲水要思源
to be a good son and daughter; remember where you came from
圓滿生命 盡孝無愧意
to fulfill life, do your best being filial; don’t have regrets
兒女心 無論在何地
the hearts of sons and daughters, no matter where they are
給雙親 一聲感恩您
they should tell their parents they are grateful for them
express gratitude to your parents
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